Button class

I need a button/button, how to add and modify attributes?

If you need a button/button, you can quickly implement it using the existing Button control. The specific steps are as follows:

  1. Double-click to open the UI file.
  2. Find the Button control in the control set on the right.
  3. Left-click the Button control and hold it, then drag it to any position, release the left button, and you can see the automatically generated button control.
  4. Left-click the button control you just created, and you can see the related properties of the control on the right side of the editor. In this attribute form, you can freely modify the attributes like filling in an Excel sheet!

    Create Button

    How to modify the button/button color?

    Reference How to modify the color of text

    How to add more animation effects to the button?

    Reference How to use pictures to enrich the style of buttons/keys

    How to use pictures to enrich the style of buttons/keys</span> The default button control is pure color, which looks a bit boring. But you can add pictures to beautify the buttons. Here are the specific steps:

    1. First add a button control to the UI file.How to add button controls
    2. Left-click to select the button control you just added, and you can see the button's attribute table in the attribute column on the right side of the editor.
      It is observed that among all the attributes, the attributes related to the picture are:
    3. Picture settings
      • This attribute can set the pictures in each state of the button, so that the button can automatically switch the corresponding picture according to the change of the state
    4. Picture location
      • By default, the picture is centered and zoomed to fill the entire button rectangle. You can adjust the position of the picture and zoom in or out.
    5. Background image
      • Set the picture as the background of the button. The picture will cover the entire rectangular area of the button and automatically zoom.

Specific examples:


Effect picture:


The above figure is a screenshot of the parameter part of the attribute table image, and its meaning is:
The button displays on.png by default, and it displays off.png when the button is selected;
The four parameters of the left, top, width, and height of the picture determine the display area of the picture (in pixels), the upper left corner of the button rectangle area is the starting point coordinates (0, 0), right and downward is the positive direction, The end point coordinates are (67, 31). If the actual width and height of the picture are not equal to the specified width and height parameters, the picture will be scaled according to the specified width and height:


Understand the hierarchical relationship of button controls

For general button controls, it will draw four levels of content, which are from top to bottom:

  • The text of the button
  • Button picture
  • Button background image
  • Button background color

How to add picture buttons/buttons?

Reference How to add more animation effects to buttons

When this key/button is pressed, where or how can I add my own operation code?

In actual development, Button is a kind of control that is used very frequently. Often after the button click event occurs, some processing is done, such as writing to the serial port or refreshing the UI content. To respond to the click time of the button is very simple. The following are the specific steps:

  1. First create a Button control, and name the property ID as Button1. How to create a button control


  2. In the Project Explorer, select the current project, right-click, and select the Compile FlyThings option in the pop-up menu。The function of this step is to automatically generate template codeLearn more about code generation details
  3. Take the UI file main.ftu as an example,After the previous step is completed, the file jni/logic/mainLogic.cc will be generated under the current project folder, as shown below:

    Note: main.ftu corresponds to mainLogic.cc,the prefixes of both are the same. Learn more about code generation details

  4. Double-click to open mainLogic.cc , you should see the following function at the end of the file,

    static bool onButtonClick_Button1(ZKButton *pButton) {
     //LOGD(" ButtonClick Button1 !!!\n");
     return false;

    When the Button control is clicked on the serial port screen, the system will automatically call the associated function. So, if you need to add your own processing code, just write it directly in the associated function.

    • It can be seen that the function name is generated according to certain rules. Take the Button control as an example, its function name generation rule is onButtonClick_XXXX(ZKButton *pButton),where XXXXwill be replaced with the control ID, So multiple button controls will generate different associated functions.

Learn more about related functions of controls

System Button

In addition to the ID value defined by the button, the button also retains two system button values:sys_back and sys_home,From the name, we can roughly know their functions: Back ButtonHome button ; Click the back button, the interface will return to the previous interface, if you enter a multi-level interface, click the Home button to directly return to the main interface (start interface). We only need to set the ID value to sys_back or sys_home in the attribute box of the button to achieve the corresponding function.

Learn more about interface interaction

How to deal with long key press events

If you need to handle the long press event of the button, you need to manually add the long press event listener. Specific steps are as follows:

  1. In the attribute table of the button,set the long press event trigger time and long press event cycle trigger interval two attributes; in the figure below, I set them to 1000 respectively , 1000, the unit is milliseconds.

  2. After setting the properties, compile and open the corresponding Logic.cc file; at the top of the file, declare class LongClickListener,and inherit the ZKBase::ILongClickListenerclass to implement the virtual void onLongClick(ZKBase *pBases) method.

     namespace { //Add an anonymous scope to prevent multiple source files from defining the same class name and conflict at runtime
     //Implement the long press monitoring interface
     class LongClickListener : public ZKBase::ILongClickListener {
              virtual void onLongClick(ZKBase *pBase) {  
                     LOGD("Trigger long press event");
                     static int count = 0;
                     char buf[128] = {0};
                     snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "long press event trigger times %d", ++count);
                     //Each time a long press event is triggered, modify the text of the button
  3. Next, instantiate the monitor class defined in the previous step and declare it as a static type

     static LongClickListener longButtonClickListener;
  4. Register button long press monitoring in static void onUI_init() function

     static void onUI_init(){
             //Long press the registration button to monitor
  5. Cancel the button long press monitoring in the static void onUI_quit() function

     static void onUI_quit() {
            //Cancel button long press to monitor
  6. After adding the code, compile, download the program to the machine, and long press to test; you can see that the text of the button has been modified and the onLongClick function successfully responded. For specific implementation, please refer to Sample Code

How to handle key touch events

If you need to respond when the button press or lift , you can register the touch monitoring interface to do so. Specific steps are as follows:

  1. Implement your own touch monitoring interface:

     namespace {    // Add an anonymous scope to prevent multiple source files from defining the same class name and conflict at runtime
     // Implement touch monitoring interface
     class TouchListener : public ZKBase::ITouchListener {
         virtual void onTouchEvent(ZKBase *pBase, const MotionEvent &ev) {
             switch (ev.mActionStatus) {
             case MotionEvent::E_ACTION_DOWN:
             case MotionEvent::E_ACTION_UP:
                 mTouchButtonPtr->setText("lift up");

    2.Next, instantiate the monitor class defined in the previous step and declare it as a static type

     static TouchListener sTouchListener;

    3.Register the button touch monitor in the static void onUI_init() function

     static void onUI_init() {
         //Register button touch monitor

    4.Cancel button touch monitoring in static void onUI_quit() function

     static void onUI_quit() {
         //Cancel button touch monitoring

    5.After adding the code, compile, download the program to the machine, click touch test; you can see that the text of the button has been modified. For specific implementation, please refer to Sample Code

Sample code

Since there are many button control attributes, please refer to the ButtonDemo project in Sample Code for more attribute effects. Sample preview effect diagram:


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