TF card plug-in monitor
By registering the monitoring interface, we can know the status of the TF card; here we first need to implement our own monitoring class:
#include "os/MountMonitor.h"
class MyMountListener : public MountMonitor::IMountListener {
virtual void notify(int what, int status, const char *msg) {
switch (status) {
case MountMonitor::E_MOUNT_STATUS_MOUNTED: // Insert
// msg is the mount path
LOGD("mount path: %s\n", msg);
mMountTextviewPtr->setText("TF card has been inserted");
case MountMonitor::E_MOUNT_STATUS_REMOVE: // Remove
// msg is the uninstall path
LOGD("remove path: %s\n", msg);
mMountTextviewPtr->setText("TF card has been removed");
Define the listening object:
static MyMountListener sMyMountListener;
Register to listen:
When we no longer need to monitor, we need to remove the monitor:
For specific operations, please refer to the MountDemo project in Sample Code