socket network programming

If you are familiar with Linux socket programming, you can perform network programming according to the standard Linux socket programming interface.

For some commonly used socket programming implementation operations, for example, to establish a TCP client, we have made a simple package based on the standard interface of Linux, which is convenient to use. If necessary, you can follow the steps to integrate the source code into your own project.

Porting steps

  1. Create a new folder under the jni folder of the project and name it net

  2. Download net.hnet.cpp Two files, save them to the net folder.

How to use

TCP client

  • Introduce header files
    #include "net/net.h"
  • Usage example
    /*Use TCP protocol to connect to port 80 of the domain name, and change the domain name to IP.*/
    net::Conn* conn = net::Dial("tcp", "");
    //net::Conn* conn = net::Dial("tcp", "");
    if (conn) {
      byte buf[2048] = {0};
      const char* req = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n";
      conn->Write((byte*)req, strlen(req));
      while (true) {
        //Read, timeout 1000ms
        int n = conn->Read(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, 1000);
        if (n > 0) {
          buf[n] = 0;
          LOGD("Read %d bytes: %s", n, buf);
        } else if (n == 0) {
          LOGD("Normal disconnection");
        } else if (n == net::E_TIMEOUT) {
          LOGD("Read timeout");
        } else {
      //Close the connection
      //Release memory
      delete conn;
      conn = NULL;

UDP client

  • Introduce header files
    #include "net/net.h"
  • Usage example
    //Use udp protocol to connect IP: port 8080
    net::Conn* conn = net::Dial("udp", "");
    if (conn) {
      byte buf[2048] = {0};
      const char* req = "hello";
      conn->Write((byte*)req, strlen(req));
      while (true) {
        //Read, timeout 1000ms
        int n = conn->Read(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, 1000);
        if (n > 0) {
          buf[n] = 0;
          LOGD("Read %d bytes: %s", n, buf);
        } else if (n == 0) {
          LOGD("Normal disconnection");
        } else if (n == net::E_TIMEOUT) {
          LOGD("Read timeout");
          //Set timeout here to exit
        } else {
      //Close the connection
      //Release memory
      delete conn;
      conn = NULL;
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