How to create a new FlyThings project

Creating a new FlyThings project is very simple. Specific steps are as follows:

  1. In the menu bar at the top of the editor, select File -> New -> FlyThings Project


  2. After the selection in the previous step is completed, the FlyThings Creation Wizard prompt box will pop up.

    Fill in the parameters related to the new project as required. These parameters are:

    • Item name
      The name of the project; it can be a combination of letters and numbers. Chinese characters and spaces cannot appear.
    • Position
      The storage path of the project; Chinese characters in the path are also not recommended to prevent compilation exceptions.
    • Platform type
      Choose the corresponding platform according to the serial screen you purchased, currently there are
      • Z11S
      • Z6S

    After filling in the required parameters as above, you can directly select Complete to quickly complete the creation. But for now, we choose Next to customize more parameters.

  3. After clicking Next, we will see more parameter definitions


    The meaning and function of each attribute of the project:

    • Screen saver timeout
      FlyThings system provides screensaver function. If there is no touch operation on the serial port screen within the specified time, or you do not reset the screen saver timing through the code, then the system will automatically enter the screen saver.
      If the time is -1 second, it means that the screen saver function is disabled.
    • Serial port
      Specify the communication serial port, and generally do not need to be modified.
    • Baud rate
      Specify the baud rate of the communication serial port
    • Resolution
      Specify the width and height of the screen in pixels
    • Screen rotation
      For some screen coordinate axis directions, you can check this option to rotate the displayed content by 90° to achieve normal display.
    • Font
      FlyThings supports custom fonts. If you are not satisfied with the default fonts, you can cancel the defaults and select your font file.
    • Input
      If you have a requirement for Chinese input, you can check it and cooperate with Edit input box control, you can solve Chinese input.

      The above attributes can be modified again later, so don't worry too much about filling in errors. (How to modify the properties of an existing project)
      After the attributes are filled in and confirmed, click Finish to end the creation. The creation process will take some time and wait patiently.

  4. After the project is created, you should first understand Introduction to FlyThings Project Code Structure

powered by Gitbooklast modified: 2021-05-28 12:00:31

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